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Food preparation

The Teams

Week 1

Hot Dogs

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Team Ratatouille takes 1st place because of a special ingredient: Fruit Loops! 

The team consisted of Logan Monger, Brycen Rabbitskin, Robert Bullfrog and their coach Malika.

Week 2

Grill Cheese

Thursday, December 8, 2022

This week's winners were Team Ketchup team with the harmony of tastes and elegant presentation.

Team members: Meri Grimstead, Keyshia Herodier, Wapikon Fireman, Nidaa Souleymane and their coach Liam.

Week 3

Holiday Cookies

Thursday, December 15, 2022

This week's winners were Linguine which consists of Mathias Happyjack, Mikizi Ottereyes, James Hill and their coach, Brianna Sealhunter.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Week 4

Mac & Cheese

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Only 3 teams today but all very eager too win.

Team Ketchup won this round! 

Congratulations, Meri Grimstead & Nidaa Souleymane

Week 5

Eggs Your Style

Thursday, January 19, 2023

This week's challenge is "Egg(s)" How they are prepared as a meal is entirely up to the contestants, but now two contestants are added: each team will be "thumb-tied" together as a single chef, and for 5 bonus points must add soy sauce too the dish!

Team Ketchup won this week!! Congrats and good job!!

Week 6


Thursday, January 26, 2023

This week's challenge: STUFF A TORTILLA?


Secret Ingredient: OREO COOKIES

Week 7


Thursday, February 2, 2023

This week's challenge is gonna be "noodley"!

Team Ketchup won this round!!!

Week 8

Patatoes your style

Thursday, February 9, 2023

This week, we gave them potatoes and they did whatever they wanted with them.

Lots of creative dishes formed this way!

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